Implementing continuous improvement takes on new dimensions with digitalisation and raises the quality of governance

The digitalisation of business is not only about process delivery, but also about management. What’s more, it has the potential to improve the activities that make up the models and approaches for managing the quality of operations, services and products, such as PDCA and SIX Sigma.

One such solution is the management of actions in Kopa’s Uredeno.Dok system. It not only supports document and task management, but also includes the whole web of activities that take place in actions, from planning to execution.

Benefits for the Client

Faster response and better quality action planning

Monitoring the progress and implementation of actions

Monitoring results and improving actions

The customer's opinion

A good example of a broader view of process digitisation is action support, which goes beyond monitoring the implementation of an action and is also linked to performance indicators that show the impact on the business.