Control and Security of Information Technology
Despite excellent business applications, paperless operations, decision support solutions, and more effective communication, productivity does not always increase. Modern technologies in companies should ensure more comfortable, efficient, and secure operations, enhance value, and gain competitiveness. However, various factors can disrupt business and production processes, potentially leading to catastrophic consequences.
The Kopa I-Control system, with advanced solutions, establishes a continuous and unified view of numerous internet-connected devices and functions, ensuring rapid response and remediation of IT system outages.
We needed control over the wireless terminals so that we could immediately discover why they were unavailable. At the same time, we wanted to find out how much this equipment is really used. Now, with better control over the operation of the communication system, we contribute to a higher availability of the production and logistics system.
Good practices are created together with our satisfied users
The recruitment process has evolved beyond being a mere task for the HR department, transforming…
How can ERP with built-in good practices of manufacturing companies help a fast-growing company successfully…
Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process that enables data analysis and information visualization, assisting…
V podjetju KOPA računalniški inženiring, d. d. vse od leta 1978 razvijamo in uvajamo celovite poslovne rešitve. Zaposlujemo prek 60 visoko izobraženih strokovnjakov. Sodelujemo z vodilnimi svetovnimi proizvajalci informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij ter s številnimi visokošolskimi in raziskovalnimi ustanovami na področjih informatike, menedžmenta in kadrov. Prek nenehnega vlaganja v razvoj, partnerjem omogočamo, da na enem mestu pridobijo celoten nabor tehnologije, aplikacij in dobrih praks za vitalen poslovni sistem.
KOPA – Hiša bistrih rešitev
Kidričeva 14,
SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec
02 88 39 700