Does your production process
pulsating at the right rhythm?
Discover UTRIP – Solution for
monitoring production in real time
Kopa UTRIP is an advanced web-based application that enables real-time monitoring of production processes by capturing and analysing data as it is generated. It is designed for production managers, technicians and executives who want to have a precise overview of the status of machines, work orders and parameters crucial for production.
The application measures and records:
– Who is working on the machine or work center.
– Which operation is being performed and the time spent on the task.
– Produced quantity, waste, and reasons for it.
– Machine downtime and its causes.
– Confirmation of material inventory for operation execution.
Katere izzive rešuje?
Imate težave s pregledom nad prioritetami v proizvodnji?
Se soočate z zamudami pri nalogah in ne veste, koliko časa je bilo že porabljenega?
Vaši stroji ne delujejo optimalno in izgubljate dragocene vire?
Se vam dogaja, da ne morete pravočasno izpolniti naročil?
S Planskim Toolkitom odpravite te težave in izboljšate učinkovitost proizvodnje.
Kaj vse pridobite?
Vizualno časovno razporejanje delovnih operacij glede na roke in razpoložljive kapacitete.
Natančen nadzor nad prijavami, porabljenim časom, zastoji, izmetom, dokumentacijo in produktivnostjo v realnem času.
Celovit pregled nad proizvodnjo. Možnost integracije z ERP in drugimi programskimi rešitvami.
Avtomatizirano razporejanje operacij in sprotno spremljanje realizacije.
Enostavna uporaba brez dolgotrajnih uvajanj, zasnovana za hitro prilagoditev vašega tima.
Podrobna analiza učinkovitosti, izmetov, zastojev, realizacije plana in izkoriščenosti strojev.

Highlighted business benefits
The system can be interfaced with machine controllers, sensors and counters so that all key data, parameters and events in production are captured on the fly, without delay or manual input.
Provide continuous insight into performance indicators and tailored reports and analysis on the performance of production or specific machines.
Speed up action by automatically notifying and escalating congestion and deviation notifications to higher levels.
Send electronic work orders, process sheets, operations and drawings directly to production terminals.

Statement on Solution
Examples of Best Practices for Kopa UTRIP

Tech-gum d.o.o.
With digitisation, Tech-gum d.o.o. has gained a unified and comprehensive overview of production operations and…

Metrel Mehanika d.o.o.
Metrel uses quality information from production to improve production processes and the performance of technical…

Primat d.d.
Primat could no longer keep up with the increase in orders, despite capacity margins The…
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